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Crowd Generated Maps with Cerberus

Cerberus:  a geospatial based crowdsourcing platform in which we bend ‘brain power’ abundantly present in the gaming industry towards good causes.

Cerberus Game Logo
Cerberus uses hexaons as units of Analysis

In the Cerberus client- interface we represent Earth in 3D as our own 'metaverse' whereas we use hexagons as units of analysis. With our technology we can standardize and grid entire planets! Our aim is to standardize further on the hexaons and dervived triangles we are using, and allow other 3rd parties to also benefit from these developments as well as to continue innovating on our own. 

Cerberus is positioned among the gaming industry to motivate her crowd of over 130000 players so they help us to convert satellite imagery into maps faster, more thorough and cost effective versus experts.

The advantage of using human mappers above machine learning systems is that they can map not only based on directly visual recognition of elements, but also based on context creating the surrounding region into account.
In addition, since Cerberus connects the global public directly to world problems without asking them to leave their living room works as a vessel of communication showing that it truly matters to help out. 

Some themes Cerberus is and has been used for are:

  • Mapping Disasters so we can better plan help efforts

  • Rescuing Refugees to supply them, or getting them out of harm's way

  • Detection of illegal rainforest cut and put a stop to it

  • Supporting Farmers in developing countries to become smart and feed their communities

  • The detection of illegal fishing to protect our oceans

Some projects:

  • Cerberus: Map a Disaster (first operation, award winning)

  • Cerberus: Evolution (3D, immersion, safety and defense)

  • Cerberus: Forest Falcon (introduction open data, 7 sub- projects)

  • Cerberus: Crowds & Machines (feasibility for AI data labelling)

  • Cerberus: Crowds & Machines 2 (scale up, 20 sub-projects food security EU)

  • Cerberus: Space in Africa (Impact mapping)

Cerberus generated geospatial map for the African Development Bank

A typical map product created with Cerberus by intelligently consolidate and style mass- generated crowdsourcing input. 

Cerberus: Solving world problems with the power of the crowd, satellites and a bit of gaming

Cerberus game - long play on Facebook mapping vineyards, wheat and olive orchards in Italy. Observe how hexagons are used as our geospatial units of analysis.

Once a Cerberus mapping or data labeling campaign is active, Cerberus can be accessed through Windows, iOs and Android devices

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